
Table of Contents (Online Help)


LPF General Configuration

This menu item will enable you to make the general settings for the Loan Performer operations.

How to set the General Configuration of LPF

To make the general configuration you go to System ->Configuration ->General and a screen will appear as follows:

You can key in the full path to the logo file in the provided text box or click on the Logo button to browse to the file location. Once the file is found, either double-click on it or highlight it then click Ok on the Open Picture screen. We recommend that you save your company logo file in the LPF folder or in the database directory. Make sure that in a network environment the reference is available for all users.

Please note that your photo files should be saved with names of not more than 14 characters (including the file extension). We recommend saving them with the client's code followed by the first character of the surname and an indication of the file type (i.e. DB00012A-P.jpg, where DB00012 is the client's registration code, A - is the first letter of the surname and P - is the indicator that it is a photograph file).

Note that after entering data you will not be able to change the base currency and this field will appear as read only.

Note that the change will only take place after you save a new font, quit Loan Performer and then log in again.

You should also indicate how often the update should be done. This can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Only major versions.basis.

FTP settings:

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client in this case LPF desk top and server on a computer network. The settings below allow LPF users to transfer/ upload desk top images and documents to a web server that can later be attached by an LPF user when registering a client online via web app.

Click on the Save button to save the LPF general configurations.

Note that you can click on the "Print" button to view\print the parameters of the general configuration and keep them for future reference.

Click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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Contact LPF live support for more information
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